Kevin Billett's

Experience the limitless Freedom beyond your traps, filters and fixated patterns

An exclusive invitation to join other Journey Practitioners and
No Ego Graduates in their continued quest for ultimate Self-Mastery


Regular price €97/mo or €997/yr



"It's beyond what I've experienced in any other Journey program."

Victoria Lichtman from the USA, member since Feb 2020

SELF-MASTERY is for you, because you'll:

Uncover your authentic greatness, the highest and deepest potential that resides in each of us, and live as a full expression of it

Discover how you have unconsciously feared and given away the ‘21 Powers’ that could change your own destiny and empower others

Come to deep peace in your own being, confident in who you are and why you are here

Allow ego to step aside as you become an inspirational, creative force for growth, transformation and healing

Learn to clearly and effectively communicate from ego-free influence, and step into fulfilment and abundance at a deeper level

• Elegantly discover how to ‘hold the space’ and invite the profound sharing of Satsang, allowing Truth to be present in an ‘empty chair’ of consciousness

Be part of the conscious solution humankind so badly needs right now


Uncover your authentic greatness, the highest and deepest potential that resides in each of us, and live as a full expression of it

Discover how you have unconsciously feared and given away the ‘21 Powers’ that could change your own destiny and empower others

Come to deep peace in your own being, confident in who you are and why you are here

• Allow ego to step aside as you become an inspirational, creative force for growth, transformation and healing

Learn to clearly and effectively communicate from ego-free influence, and step into fulfilment and abundance at a deeper level

• Elegantly discover how to ‘hold the space’ and invite the profound sharing of Satsang, allowing Truth to be present in an ‘empty chair’ of consciousness

Be part of the conscious solution humankind so badly needs right now

When you join SELF-MASTERY, here is what you'll get:


Three Live Calls a Month with Kevin Billett

The first call each month will focus on the fresh teaching material and how this topic affects us daily. We’ll share from our direct experience, and we’ll set ourselves up for ongoing exploration, stretches and Pod group support.

The second and third calls will include interactive debriefs, shares, Q&A, and Satsang, and will reveal how to effectively use specially adapted elicitation questions Journey processes to clear any blocks and fixations.

One call will be for Europe and North America time zones, and one for Asia, Australia and New Zealand.


Private Home Groups (Pods) with Process Swaps & Advanced Journey Elicitations

Get support from like-minded souls fully surrendered to freeing themselves from traps of the ego and being the change they wish to see in the world.

Swap Journey Processes regularly with fellow advanced-level participants.

As many of the previous participants say: Kevin just knows the RIGHT questions to ask to get to the bottom of what has been buried deep inside.


Ongoing Access to ALL Sessions from Your Membership Period

If you miss a live session or simply want to review it, everything is available at your fingertips and at your own convenience.


Spontaneous Bonus Resources that Kevin Feels will Benefit You

Kevin is 100% present and focussed with those who participate in the LIVE calls. He'll share any bonus resources he feels necessary to deepen your transformational journey.

When you join SELF-MASTERY, here is what you'll get:


Three Live Calls a Month with Kevin Billett

The first call each month will focus on the fresh teaching material and how this topic affects us daily. We’ll share from our direct experience, and we’ll set ourselves up for ongoing exploration, stretches and Pod group support.

The second and third calls will include interactive debriefs, shares, Q&A, and Satsang, and will reveal how to effectively use specially adapted elicitation questions Journey processes to clear any blocks and fixations.

One call will be for Europe and North America time zones, and one for Asia, Australia and New Zealand.


Private Home Groups (Pods) with Process Swaps & Advanced Journey Elicitations

Get support from like-minded souls fully surrendered to freeing themselves from traps of the ego and being the change they wish to see in the world.

Swap Journey Processes regularly with fellow advanced-level participants.

As many of the previous participants say: Kevin just knows the RIGHT questions to ask to get to the bottom of what has been buried deep inside.


Ongoing Access to ALL Sessions from Your Membership Period

If you miss a live session or simply want to review it, everything is available at your fingertips and at your own convenience.


Spontaneous Bonus Resources that Kevin Feels will Benefit You

Kevin is 100% present and focussed with those who participate in the LIVE calls. He'll share any bonus resources he feels necessary to deepen your transformational journey.

"It's beyond what I've experienced in any other Journey program."

Victoria Lichtman from the USA, member since Feb 2020


Join Kevin Billett's SELF-MASTERY

  • Uncover your authentic greatness, the highest and deepest potential that resides in each of us, and live as a full expression of it
  • Discover how you have unconsciously feared and given away the ‘21 Powers’ that could change your own destiny and empower others
  • Receive groundbreaking Journey Elicitations.
  • Join 3 LIVE Calls a month with Kevin Billett.
  • Participate in a Special Process Swapping Event on June 11th.
  • Access a Pod for regular support meetings after your trial.
  • Swap advanced Journey processes from the comfort of your own home.
  • Watch replays of the LIVE calls at any time convenient for you.
  • BONUS: get your price locked in for a special monthly rate of €97. Even if prices increase, your rate never will. (Continuing after the trial is OPTIONAL.)
YES!  Tell me when the doors open!

We only use secured payment gateways. If you decide to remain part of our community, you'll be billed either €997 or €97 at the end of your trial (24th June)(we'll send you reminders about that) and then either €997 annually or €97 every 30 days until you cancel. You can cancel any time by emailing us at finance@thejourney.com

And for your convenience, EVERYTHING'S ONLINE

SELF-MASTERY is 100% online so you can participate (and swap processes) anywhere, anytime, in sweatpants or a 3-piece-suit!

All Kevin's calls are recorded, so you will never miss a thing, and can easily go back to freshen up your understanding.


...experience deep healing and transformation without having to travel or attend a physical retreat or seminar. Benefit from:

  • Save on the high costs of travel and accommodation, and stay safe and comfortable in your own home throughout the course.
  • Choose with your partners and Pod groups convenient times to meet and process
  • Pace your work rate to suit your own commitments and lifestyle.
  • More fully absorb the material, understand its deeper and more subtle  personal implications.
  • Have personal questions fully answered between the teaching sessions and the process work.
  • Experience how the various triggers, patterns and issues show up in normal life - and discover how the theory actually plays out in the reality of day-to-day living.
  • Allow the clearing work to integrate organically over a longer period before undergoing the next elicitation and clearing.


You're at choice...

Self-Mastery offers you the chance to truly walk your talk - no matter what your external circumstances.

Almost everyone’s reactions to triggers come from Ego. Virtually every being on the planet is predictably hooked by their fixation and react automatically from unmet fears.

Often we procrastinate, stress and wheel-spin, we deny, disassociate, override and suppress our true fears because we are conditioned by fixation and past experience.

You can choose to wake up to your automatic patterns, and the inner distortions your ego fixation has caused.

You can wake up to the limitless freedom, the true peace, the universal Love that resides deep in everyone.

Will you find the courage to face your fears, look into the tiger's mouth, and find true Freedom?  



Together we will viscerally explore themes such as these:

  • What is Authentic Greatness? How do we access it, live from it?
  • The ‘21 Powers’ - How We Fear Them, How We Misuse Them
  • The Value of Living from Heart Values
  • Letting go of Control, Letting go into Infinite Trust
  • Breaking the Cycles of Automatic Compliance & Rebellion
  • Giving Healthy Feedback, Receiving Feedback Healthily
  • Inspirational Authority & Taking the Lead
  • Healthy Expression of Greatness: Authentic, Purposeful Communication Online
  • Holding the Space - Confirming Truth in Satsang Online

As we progress and transform our own lives, we’ll become more aware and compassionate for self and others and choose to be authentic in all ways.

As is Kevin's strength, he'll deliver the maximum benefits within participants' ability and willingness to engage and commit - for that reason, please be flexible in course content and timings.

"My life is full-on and I would not be living it without the tools of Self-Mastery"

Sharon Sedgwick from the USA, member since Feb 2020


How fiercely do you want to be done with your painful games of the ego? Are you exhausted by your unhealthy compensatory behaviours? Does something deep within you recognize that a simpler, more honest, more profoundly meaningful way of life is truly available?

Fundamentally, do you want to live as an embodiment of freedom?


Join Self-Mastery before June 9th for only €1 - for NO EGO GRADS ONLY!

  • Uncover your authentic greatness, the highest and deepest potential that resides in each of us, and live as a full expression of it
  • Discover how you have unconsciously feared and given away the ‘21 Powers’ that could change your own destiny and empower others
  • Receive groundbreaking Journey Elicitations.
  • Join 3 LIVE Calls a month with Kevin Billett.
  • Participate in a Special Process Swapping Event on June 11th.
  • Access a Pod for regular support meetings after your trial.
  • Swap advanced Journey processes from the comfort of your own home.
  • Watch replays of the LIVE calls at any time convenient for you.
  • BONUS: get your price locked in for a special monthly rate of €97. Even if prices increase, your rate never will. (Continuing after the trial is OPTIONAL.)

We only use secured payment gateways. If you decide to remain part of our community, you'll be billed either €997 or €97 at the end of your trial (24th June)(we'll send you reminders about that) and then either €997 annually or €97 every 30 days until you cancel. You can cancel any time by emailing us at finance@thejourney.com


What are the benefits of doing this online program if I've already done the Authentic Greatness and the Enneagram Masterclass?

When we experience a seminar more than once, we learn new aspects of the teachings that perhaps were not clear to us during the first round. As we change, our perspectives shift allowing us to hear and understand things differently. Like the layers of an onion, new realizations become available that previously may have been hidden and buried within our pain. 

So, there are different benefits from physical and online seminars:

Physical seminars have huge value and absolutely change people's lives in profound and meaningful ways. The amount of time dedicated to a live seminar is shorter and it can be very intense and as issues arise, are met and cleared in quick succession. Sitting in the blaze of Truth allows people to burn away the non-essential in a short period of time. 

Deciding to experience deep healing online allows for other benefits, not available to a live seminar, yet which are as effective in different ways.

By spreading the material of an online seminar over a longer time frame, you  can: 

  • Save on the high costs of travel and accommodation, and stay safe and comfortable in your own home while attending the course.
  • Choose with your partners and Pod groups convenient times to meet and process
  • Pace your work rate to suit your own commitments and lifestyle.
  • More fully absorb the material, understand its deeper and more subtle  personal implications.
  • Have personal questions fully answered between the teaching sessions and the process work.
  •  Experience how the various triggers, patterns and issues show up in normal life - and discover how the theory actually plays out in the reality of day-to-day living.
  •  Allow the clearing work to integrate organically over a longer period before undergoing the next elicitation and clearing.

How is the content different from the physical seminars of the Authentic Greatness and the Enneagram Masterclass ?

Why should I join this group?

Does this qualify me to become a Life Coach and what do I need to do to be qualified?

How much time will the Life Transformation Mastery take every month?


Will I be able to connect with JPs from other countries?

What happens every month? How does the program look in practical terms?

Do I get my personal questions answered by Kevin?

Will I miss out if I can't be LIVE, am going on a vacation or have to fulfill other commitments?

Is my purchase RISK-FREE?

Will I lose access to the materials once the program ends?

What are the technical requirements to participate in this program?

Join Self-Mastery before June 9th for only €1

  • Uncover your authentic greatness, the highest and deepest potential that resides in each of us, and live as a full expression of it
  • Discover how you have unconsciously feared and given away the ‘21 Powers’ that could change your own destiny and empower others
  • Receive groundbreaking Journey Elicitations.
  • Join 3 LIVE Calls a month with Kevin Billett.
  • Participate in a Special Process Swapping Event on June 11th.
  • Access a Pod for regular support meetings after your trial.
  • Swap advanced Journey processes from the comfort of your own home.
  • Watch replays of the LIVE calls at any time convenient for you.
  • BONUS: get your price locked in for a special monthly rate of €97. Even if prices increase, your rate never will. (Continuing after the trial is OPTIONAL.)

We only use secured payment gateways. If you decide to remain part of our community, you'll be billed either €997 or €97 at the end of your trial (24th June)(we'll send you reminders about that) and then either €997 annually or €97 every 30 days until you cancel. You can cancel any time by emailing us at finance@thejourney.com

"Sharing with Kevin in the LIVE call is like having a One-on-One session with him every time!"

Maria from Romania, member since Feb 2020

ANY QUESTIONS: support@thejourney.com

DISCLAIMER: The Journey Method is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition or illness, nor has it been scientifically validated in such regard. We can make no promises or guarantees as to its effects, and advise you to always follow the advice of your qualified medical practitioner.  

What we do know, however, is that there is increasing scientific research that validates healing at a cellular level. Furthermore, over the past 20+ years many thousands of people have used The Journey Method with, according to their own reports, extraordinary and lasting results. If you would like to discover your own body’s natural healing potential and liberate your infinite potential, we are confident you too will become one of our ardent advocates.  

Copyright 2018-2021 The Journey 


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